
Cosmetic Laser

General and Pediatric Dermatology in Manhasset, NY

Cosmetic Laser
Cosmetic Laser services offered in Manhasset, NY

Laser resurfacing removes tiny amounts of damaged skin and triggers your body to grow healthy new skin that’s firmer and smoother than before. At Brooks Dermatology in Manhasset, New York, skilled dermatologist Steven Brooks, DO, offers fractional laser resurfacing in the office. This advanced treatment often has dramatic results similar to a mini face-lift, but without the surgery. Call the office or schedule an appointment online today to learn more. 

Cosmetic Laser Q & A

What is laser resurfacing?

Laser skin resurfacing involves using short, high-energy laser pulses to vaporize tiny columns of damaged or unhealthy skin. 

This cosmetic dermatology creates microscopic injuries in the skin’s surface to prompt your body’s natural healing process, allowing your body to replace dead or damaged skin with new, healthy skin. The laser heat improves circulation and faster cellular turnover.

Skin resurfacing provides dramatic results, so if you’re looking for a facelift without needing to undergo surgery or treating acne scars without invasive approaches, it could be an excellent option. 

When might I need laser resurfacing?

Laser resurfacing can have a significant impact on your entire appearance. It can address aesthetic issues, including: 

  • Wrinkles
  • Age spots
  • Rosacea
  • Acne and acne scars
  • Spider veins 
  • Large pores
  • Uneven skin tone


Brooks Dermatology can customize your laser resurfacing treatment based on your concerns and cosmetic goals. 

How does the laser resurfacing process work?


Brooks Dermatology performs fractional CO2 laser resurfacing, an advanced resurfacing approach that delivers a grid pattern of laser lights at once, creating many tiny columns in your skin. 

The fractional approach removes only thin columns of skin, while other methods of laser resurfacing remove full skin layers. Fractional laser resurfacing causes the collagen between the treated areas to contract, bringing on immediate skin tightening and stimulating collagen growth. 

What is recovery like with laser resurfacing?

Recovery time is generally about one week. Your skin will appear red and irritated after treatment, but it’s part of the healing process. Brooks Dermatology provides detailed aftercare instructions, which usually includes application of antibiotic ointments or special thick moisturizers. 

How long will my results last after laser resurfacing? 

Fractional laser resurfacing results are long-lasting. As you build new collagen, your skin grows increasingly tight and firm over the next year*. Then, you can experience significant facial improvements for several years afterward*. 

Laser resurfacing is one of the strongest skin rejuvenation options available today.

Brooks Dermatology makes it easy to access the best in expert laser resurfacing procedures and high-tech equipment, so call the office or schedule an appointment online today. 

*Individual results may vary